1.求将下面一段翻译成英语 麻烦了









求将下面一段翻译成英语 麻烦了


 在美国,一些人提倡使用乙醇燃料来代替汽油。然而,很多评论家认为一些原因使得乙醇燃料不是良好的汽油 替代品。托福TPO22综合写作的材料就乙醇燃料是否是很好的汽油替代品进行了分析。下面是我整理的材料和范文,欢迎阅读!


 The reading and listening materials he a conflict of opinions about ethanol fuel. The writer believes that it is not a good alternative to gasoline, which is contradicted by the following lecture.

 Firstly, the writer claims that ethanol fuel fails to solve the environment pollution since it also releases carbon dioxide when burned. However, the speaker opposes the claim by saying that ethanol fuel is made of plants like corn, which absorbs carbon dioxide from the air as part of its nutrition. So the process of growing the plant counteracts the release of green house gas emission.

 Secondly, the writer states that the production of ethanol fuel would lead to a decline in source of food for farm animals, while the lecture views this issue from an opposite angle. According to him, ethanol fuel is made of cellulose, which is not eaten by animals. As a result, the amount of animal food won't be reduced at all.

 Third, the passage argues that ethanol fuel is less competitive than gasoline in terms of price because it is still relying on 's subsidies. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, the reading's claim does not hold water. It will no longer be necessary for to subsidize ethanol fuel because an increase in demand will result in an increase in production, which gives rise to a drop in its price. According to a study, if the production of ethanol fuel is three times greater than it is now, the price will drop by 40%.


 Ethanol fuel, made from plants such as corn and sugar cane, has been advocated by some people as an alternative to gasoline in the United States. However, many critics argue that ethanol is not a good replacement for gasoline for several reasons.


 燃料来代替汽油。然而,很多评论家认为一些原因使得乙醇燃料不是良好的汽油 替代品。

 First, the increased use of ethanol fuel would not help to solve one of the biggest environmental problems caused by gasoline use: global warming. Like gasoline, ethanol releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when it is burned for fuel, and carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas: it helps trap heat in the atmosphere. Thus, ethanol offers no environmental advantage over gasoline.

 首先,使用汽油带来的最大的问题之一是全球变暖,而对于乙醇燃料使用的增加 并不能解决这个问题。同汽油一样,乙醇燃烧后向大气释放二氧化碳,而二氧化 碳是温室气体。它会保持大气层内的温度。因而,相对于汽油来说,乙醇并没有 环保优势。

 Second, the production of significant amounts of ethanol would dramatically reduce the amount of plants ailable for uses other than fuel. For example, much of the corn now grown in the United States is used to feed farm animals such as cows and chickens. It is estimated that if ethanol were used to satisfy just 10 percent of the fuel needs in the United States, more than 60 percent of the corn currently grown in the United States would he to be used to produce ethanol. If most of the corn were used to produce ethanol, a substantial source of food for animals would disear.

 第二,乙醇产品的大量增加会导致用于其他目的作物数量减少。比如,在美国很 多的玉米都是用来作动物饲料来喂养牛和鸡。可以推测,如果乙醇只满足美国对 燃料需要的 10%,那么美国就要用现在玉米产量的 60%用来制造乙醇燃料。如 果把玉米产量的大部分用来生产乙醇燃料的话,那么家畜主要的食物来源就不复 存在了。

 Third, ethanol fuel will never be able to compete with gasoline on price. Although the prices of ethanol and gasoline for the consumer are currently about the same, this is only because of the help in the form of tax subsidies given to ethanol producers by the United States . These tax subsidies he cost the United States over $11 billion in the past 30 years. If the United States were to stop helping the producers in this way, the price of ethanol would increase greatly.

 第三,乙醇燃料在价格上永远无法与汽油竞争。虽然目前对消费者来说,乙醇燃 料和汽油的相差无几,但是只是因为美国以税收补贴的形式补助乙醇燃料制 造商。这个税收补贴在过去的三十年花掉了美国 110 亿美元。如果美国政 府停止以这种形式帮助制造商,那么乙醇燃料的价格会大幅升高。


 Ethanol actually is a good alternative to gasoline although you just read three reasons why it is not a good alternative. Not one of these three reasons is convincing.



 First, the increased use of ethanol will not add to global warming. It is true that when ethanol is burned, it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. But as you read, ethanol was often made from plants such as corn. Well, the process of growing the plants counteracts this release of carbon dioxide. Let me explain. Every growing plant absorbs carbon dioxide from the air as a part of its nutrition. So, growing plants for ethanol production actually removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

 首先,提高对乙醇燃料的使用不会导致全球变暖。诚然,燃烧乙醇燃料的时候是 会向空气中排放二氧化碳。但是,就像在阅读部分看到的,通常来说乙醇燃料是 由玉米之类的`作物制造的。恩,这些作物生长的过程中可以抵消掉乙醇燃料燃烧 所释放的二氧化碳的。我来解释一下。所有作物在生长的过程中都会吸收空气中 的二氧化碳作为养料。所以,为制造乙醇燃料而种植的作物事实上可以吸收乙醇 燃料排放到空气中的二氧化碳。

 Second, large scale production of ethanol does not he to reduce the source of food for animals. That is because we can produce ethanol using cellulose. Cellulose is the main component of plants? cell walls, and you find most cellulose in those parts of plants that are not eaten by animals. So, since we can produce ethanol from the plant parts that are not eaten, the amount of animals feed that is ailable will not be reduced.

 第二,大量生产乙醇燃料不会减少畜牧业的饲料供应。这是因为我们用纤维素制 造乙醇燃料。纤维素是植物细胞壁的主要组成成分,而且多数作物富含纤维素的 部分都是家畜不食用的。所以,鉴于我们是使用家畜不食用的部分来制造乙醇燃 料的,那么家畜可使用的饲料不会减少。

 Third, in the future, ethanol will be able to compete with gasoline in term of price. It is true that the subsidies make up ethanol is cheaper than it would normally be, but this support would not always be needed. Once enough people start buying ethanol, ethanol producers will increase their production of ethanol. Generally, increased production of a product leads to a drop in its price, so the price of ethanol will go down as more of it becomes ailable. Study shows that if ethanol production could be three times greater than it is now, the cost of producing a unit of ethanol would drop by forty percent.

 第三,在未来,乙醇燃料可以在价格上同汽油竞争的。确实,现在的补贴政 策使得乙醇燃料的价格比实际要低,但是这样的补贴政策不需要一直存在。一点 有足够多的人购买乙醇燃料,那么乙醇燃料的制造商将会更多地生产。 一般来说,对某产品的生产增多会导致价格下降,所以当乙醇燃料燃料的产量增 加之后,价格也会随之下降。研究表明如果乙醇燃料产品的产量增加三倍, 那么每个单位乙醇燃料的价格将会下降 40%。



In recent years, the global environmental protection requirements of the increasing. Aiming to the atmospheric emissions of harmful gases require more demanding, especially oil combustion of SO2it is not only easy to form acid rain, on ecosystem and soil with serious damage, but also can form the harmful to human body sulfate particles; in addition, the oil sulfur present in the factory in the pipeline, pump it is corrosive and refining equipment. So how to reduce the sulfur content in the fuel is current main task.

Adsorption desulfurization because of simple operation, rapid, low cost, high desulfurization efficiency, can under mild conditions in production of sulfur content in 50mg / kg following sulfur or sulfur fuel oil characteristics, caused many researchers' interest, including activated carbon has a large surface area, good pore structure, abundant surface functional group, good adsorption performance, cheap price, some scholars with activated carbon as adsorbent and catalyst on the simulated oil and fuel oil desulfurization. The modified activated carbon desulfurization effect is better.









(1) 数, 数字, 数量, 号码, 算术, 诗, 韵律


(2) 遍号码, 共计..., 计入, 计算, 算入





(1) 1. A mathematical entity that may indicate quantity or amount of units.

一种可以表示单位数量的数学实体。 2. Loosely, a numeral. | 不确切地说,指数。参阅binary number, complex number, irrational number, level number, natural number, random number, rational number, serial number。






(1) 数, 数字

(2) [略作NO.; (pl. NOS.)] 号码; (书、杂志等)第...期, 第...卷, 第...册; 第...号

(3) 数量; [pl. ]大量, 许多, 数量上的优势

(4) 一群人; 一帮人

(5) 伙伴, 囚犯

(6) (节目中的)一个或部分

(7) 语数

(8) [pl. ]算术

(9) [pl. ]诗; 韵文

(10) [美俚]少女; **

(11) 商品的某一种型号(或样式)

(12) [音]音律; 节奏; [pl. ]乐谱, 调子, 拍子

(13) [Numbers]圣《民数记》(《旧约全书》第四篇)

(14) [the numbers](=numbers poll [game, racket])(一种把赌注压在数字上的)**

an even [odd] number


a whole [an integral] number


the science of numbers


number line


number(s) runner


number theory


a dead number

空号; [英](街道等的)末号

the March number of the magazine


numbers [a large number] of people


a cute little bronde number


The enemy won by numbers.


The program consisted of four musical numbers.






(1) 给 ... 编号

(2) 达 ... 数; 共计

(3) 算入... 内, 视为(among, in)

(4) [用于被动语态]数目方面受到限制

(5) 计算, 数

(6) [古]列举(up)

(7) [古]活了...岁

number the pages of a manuscript


number sb. among one's friends


number one's friends by the dozen(s)


The students in our class number thirty.


The days of the patient are numbered.





(1) 计; 报数; 算在 ... 数内

visitors numbering in the thousands


Casualties numbered in the thousands.






(1) (旅馆)服务员

(2) (铁路)调度员



(1) 号码牌, [英](=license number)牌照



(1) 可(计)数的



(1) 编号人; 计数员




(1) 无号码的

(2) 数不清的


a number of

(1) 若干; [口]好多

a back number

(1) 过期的刊物

(2) 过时的人物

(3) [喻]落伍者

a high number

(1) 大[小]数

a low number

(1) 大[小]数

a hot number

(1) 感情热烈的女子

(2) 热门货, 畅销商品

(3) [美口]最受欢迎的歌曲[舞曲]

among the number

(1) 在其中, 包括在内

any number of

(1) 许多

beyond number

(1) 多得数不清

big number

(1) [美俚]要人, 大亨

by numbers

(1) 依靠数量上的优势

by the numbers

(1) 合拍地;军以规定的动作并按"一, 二, 一"的口令齐步走

(2) 系统地; 按常规地; 机械地; 不动脑筋地

do a number on

(1) [美俚]取笑, 戏弄; 贬低, 诋毁; 欺骗, 把...引入岐途

get sb.'s number

(1) [俚]发现某人的本质[动机]; 把某人了解清楚; 弄清某人的弱点; 摸透某人的底

he sb.'s number

(1) 对某人的能力[性格]心中有数

he sb.'s number on it

(1) [美俚]注定要结束某人的生命

in number

(1) 总共; 在数字上; 用数字表示

by number

(1) 总共; 在数字上; 用数字表示

in numbers

(1) 大量的, 为数众多的

(2) (杂志等)分为数册; 分册数期

in round numbers

(1) 以整数[约数]表示; [喻]大概; 总而言之

in round figures

(1) 以整数[约数]表示; [喻]大概; 总而言之

lose the number of one's mess

(1) (英海军行话)死, "报销"

make one's number

(1) 报到, 拜访

Number engaged! (=line engaged)

(1) 占线啦! 有人讲话!

number nine

(1) [军俚]一种治小毛病的轻泻剂

one's (lucky) number comes up

(1) [口]交运, 走运

one's days are numbered

(1) 活不久了, 寿命不长了

one's number is up

(1) [口]某人寿数已尽; 轮到某人遭殃[受罚]

has comeis up

(1) [口]某人寿数已尽; 轮到某人遭殃[受罚]

has gone is up

(1) [口]某人寿数已尽; 轮到某人遭殃[受罚]

opposite number

(1) 对等人物; 对等机构[地位, 用具, 出版物, 词语]

production number

(1) 戏全体演员都参加演出的特别节目

quite a number of

(1) 相当大量的, 相当多的

serial number

(1) 士兵的号数, 入位编号; (装备, 人员, 文件等)编号; 产品的序号

speciality number

(1) 戏与本剧无关的特别节目或独立节目; 加演节目

look after number one

(1) [口]照顾自己的利益, 为自己打算

take care of number one

(1) [口]照顾自己的利益, 为自己打算

to the number of

(1) 达到...之数, 总数为...

without number

(1) 无数的, 数不清的

beyond number

(1) 无数的, 数不清的

out of number

(1) 无数的, 数不清的

wrong number

(1) 打电话拨错号码; 不适合, 不胜任, 不需要的人[物]

number off

(1) (上操时)报数

number one (=No.1)

(1) 自己; 自己的利益

(2) 首领, 头头

(3) 头等的, 第一流的

(4) (儿童讲的委婉语)?

number ones

(1) 军头等军礼服

No.1 dress

(1) 军头等军礼服


(1) (英国伦敦唐宁街10号)首相官邸


(1) (英国伦敦唐宁街10号)首相官邸

number two

(1) 副, 第二把手

(2) 二等的, 二流的

(3) (儿童讲的委婉语)大便

number up

(1) [古]列举

numbers of

(1) 一些, 若干, 许多


cession number

(1) 新添资料编号[目录]

(2) 入藏新书编号

account number

(1) 账号

accounting code number

(1) 会计编号

acetyl number

(1) 乙酰值

activation number

(1) 活化值

active line number

(1) 扫描[有效]行数

actual number

(1) 实数

address reference number

(1) 地址参考数

adduct number

(1) 加成数

adjoint number

(1) 伴随数

admissible number

(1) 容许数

affination number

(1) 洗炼值[价]

aggregative index number

(1) 综合指数

agreement number

(1) 协议书号码

alphabetic number

(1) 字母数字

alternation number

(1) 交变周期数

amicable numbers

(1) 数亲和数

analytical plate number

(1) 分析塔板数

anomalous numbers

(1) 反常的数

arithmetic (erage) index

(1) 算术(平均)指数

artificial number

(1) 对数

assimilation number

(1) 同化值

associate number

(1) 连带数, 相伴数

association number

(1) 缔合数

atomic number

(1) 原子序数

erage groupnumber(N)

(1) (周期)族平均数

Avogadro's number

(1) 阿伏伽德罗常数

axle number

(1) 轴号

serial number

(1) 轴号

axle no.

(1) 轴号

backward index number

(1) 后向指数

ball hardness number

(1) 布氏硬度值

basic number

(1) 遗(染色体)基数

batch number

(1) 批号, 批数

bearing number

(1) 轴承编号[代号]

binary number

(1) 二进制数码

binary-coded decimal number

(1) 二-十进制码数

biquinary number

(1) 二-五进制数

blending octane number

(1) 混合[掺混]辛烷值

block number

(1) 成组传送号, 批号

boiling number

(1) 沸腾数

boiling point-grity number

(1) 沸点-比重常数

borderline road octane number

(1) 变速行车法辛烷值

Brinell number

(1) 布尔(硬度)值

broken number

(1) 分数

bromine number

(1) 溴价

Bulygen number

(1) 热布莱根数

call number

(1) 调入[调用]数字, 呼叫号码

called number

(1) 受[发]话号码

calling number

(1) 受[发]话号码

capacity exceeding number

(1) 超位数

cardinal number

(1) 基数(词)

carry number

(1) 移位数

casein number

(1) 酪蛋白指数

catalog number

(1) 天星表号数

citation number

(1) 气蚀数

chain index number

(1) 连锁指数

channel number

(1) 频[通]道数

characteristic number

(1) 特征数, 示性数

charge number

(1) 负载量

(2) 载荷数

(3) 炉料号, 批号

check number

(1) 检验数

chlorine number

(1) 氯价

choking Mach number

(1) 壅塞马赫数

chroma number

(1) 色度值(芒塞尔色系)

chromatic number

(1) 色数

circular number

(1) 环数

Clark number

(1) 克拉克数(表示地壳中存在的元素的丰度)

clear octane number

(1) 未加铅[无铅]辛烷值

climbing number

(1) 上升系数

cloth number

(1) 筛(绢型)号

sieve number

(1) 筛(绢型)号

cochromatic number

(1) 共色数

code number

(1) 电码号

cofinal ordinal number

(1) 共尾序数

coincidence number

(1) 叠合数

coke number

(1) 兰氏残炭值

commensurable number

(1) 可比数值, 比例数

commutating number

(1) 换相数

complementary number

(1) 补数

composite merchandise index number

(1) 综合商品指数

compound number

(1) 复名数

concrete number

(1) 名数

condensation number

(1) 冷凝量; 缩合量

condition number

(1) 条件数, 制约数

conjugate complex number

(1) 共轭复数

connectivity number

(1) 连通[联络, 连缀]数

consecutive numbers

(1) 相邻数

consignment number

(1) 贷物托运号

consistency number

(1) 稠度值

constituent number

(1) 海分潮号

construction number

(1) (制品的)工厂编号; 工程号

contract number

(1) 合同号

conventional number

(1) 标志数

coordination number

(1) 配位数 coprime number(s)互质数

crate number

(1) 箱号

crispation number

(1) 物卷曲数

critical number

(1) 临界值[数字]

cross reference number

(1) 参照号码

crossing number

(1) 相交数, 叉数

cryolac number

(1) 冷凝值, 乳凝冰值

cut number

(1) 剪辑镜头编号

cyclomatic number

(1) 圈数, 秩数

cylinder number

(1) 柱面数

danger number

(1) 危险量指数

dash number

(1) 零件编号

dead number

(1) 空号

service number

(1) 空号

suspending number

(1) 空号

decimal number

(1) (十进)小数

defective number

(1) 亏量

deficient number

(1) 亏数

denominate number

(1) 名数

dependent number

(1) 因变数

derived number

(1) 导数

designation number

(1) 标准指数

device number

(1) 机器数, 机号

(2) 设备[装置]数, 设备号

diamond pyramid hardness number

(1) 维氏硬度值, 金刚石锥体硬度值

difference number

(1) 中子余值(核内中子数超过质子数)

digit order number

(1) (计算机的)数位

dimensionless number

(1) 无因次数

diploid number

(1) 二倍数


(1) 有向数direction number(s)数方向数

discharge rate number

(1) 排出流量数

disconjugacy number

(1) 不共轭性数

distribution number

(1) 分配系数

distribution coefficient

(1) 分配系数

district number

(1) 区号

double number

(1) 合刊

double issue

(1) 合刊

double precision number

(1) 双倍精度数

dual numbers

(1) 对偶数

dyadic number

(1) 二进数

dye number

(1) 染色值

dynamical number

(1) 动力势差数

effective peak number

(1) 有效峰数

effective plate number

(1) 有效塔板数

elasticity numberl

(1) 第一弹性数

element number

(1) (天线)振子数

emulsion numbers

(1) 摄乳剂号

Engler number

(1) 恩氏(粘)度数

Engler degree

(1) 恩氏(粘)度数

entry number

(1) 编目流水号

Erichsen number

(1) 杯突深度值

even quantum number

(1) 偶量子数

even number of points

(1) 双数分数

excess air number

(1) 过剩空气系数

extended real number

(1) 广义实数

external stability number

(1) 外固数

Fibonacci number (s)

(1) 黄金分割数, 斐波那契数

figurate number

(1) 垛积数, 形数

fitness number

(1) 气适宜数

fixed-base index number

(1) 统定基指数

flip-flop number

(1) 触发计数

floating number

(1) 浮点数

flow number

(1) 流速; 流量数值

fluidization number

(1) 流(态)化数

foam number

(1) 起泡量(一定气体使液体产生的泡沫容积)

footage number

(1) 摄尺标

fractional number

(1) 分数

frame number

(1) 帧数

freeness number

(1) 排水度数

friendly numbers

(1) 数亲和数

frog number

(1) 辙叉号数

Gauss number

(1) 高斯随机数

general index number

(1) 普通指数

generalized decomposition number

(1) 广义分解数

generation number

(1) 计代名, 族名

generation version number

(1) "世代"型号

geopotential number

(1) 地物位势数

germination number

(1) 发芽量[数]

golden number

(1) 天金数

grain co-ordination number

(1) 晶粒配位数

grain fineness number

(1) 晶粒度(读数), 平均粒度, (砂)细度

grit number

(1) 筛目数

gross national product index number

(1) 国内生产总值指数

group number

(1) 海潮群编号

grouped index number

(1) 类指数

haploid number

(1) 单倍数

Hardgrove number

(1) 哈德格罗夫硬度指标

harmonic index number

(1) 调和指标数

Hatta number

(1) 八田数

heat number

(1) 熔炼炉号

Hedstrom number (He)

(1) 赫斯特罗姆数(用于非牛顿流体的无量纲参数)

Hehner number

(1) 分化亥纳值

Hubl number

(1) 许布尔值(脂肪或油的碘值)

hydration number

(1) 水合数

hydroxyl number

(1) 羟基数

hypercomplex number

(1) 结合代数, 超复数

hypo number

(1) 海波值(纸浆硬度)

identification serial number

(1) 编号

idle number

(1) 空号

imaginary number

(1) 虚数

impact number

(1) 冲击数

imperfect number

(1) 不完全数

inaccessible number

(1) 不可达数

incidence number

(1) 关联数

incommensurable numbers

(1) 不可通约的数

indent number

(1) 订单号

independent number

(1) 统自变数

index number of prices of trade conducted at rural fairs

(1) 集市贸易价格指数

indivisible number

(1) 除不尽的数

infinite cardinal number

(1) 无限基数, 无限势

infinitesimal real number

(1) 无穷[无限]小实数

influence number

(1) 影响数

inner quantum number

(1) 内量子数

inround numbers

(1) 以整数表示, 概数表示

insoluble bromide number

(1) 不溶溴值

installation tape number

(1) 自装带号

instruction number

(1) 自指令数号

integral (algebraic) number

(1) (代数)整数

integral number of times

(1) 整倍数

internal stability number

(1) 内固数

international index numbers

(1) 气国际区站号

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)

(1) 国际标准图书编号

intersection number

(1) (相)交数 interval number(s)区间数

inverse number

(1) 反数

invoice number

(1) 号

iodine number

(1) 碘价

irrational (real) number

(1) 无理(实)数

irreducible number

(1) 不可约数

irregular prime numbers

(1) 非正则素数

isobaric-spin quantum number

(1) 同位旋量子数

isolated ordinalnumber

(1) 孤立序数

isotopic number

(1) 中(子)质(子)数差

isotopy number

(1) 合痕数

jet number

(1) 喷射数

job number

(1) 施工[工程]号码

key numbers

(1) 摄检索数字

Koettstorfer number (= saponification value)

(1) 皂化值

Knoop number

(1) 努氏硬度值

koestler number

(1) 凯斯特勒值(牛奶的氯化物含量)

Kronstein's number

(1) 克隆斯坦值(植物油减压蒸馏出物量与原油之比)

label number

(1) 标号[记]号码

latitudinal quantum number

(1) 纬量子数

lattice coordination number

(1) 晶格配位数

lead number

(1) 导数

lens aperture number

(1) 透镜孔径数

letter reference number

(1) 书信备查号数

level number

(1) 层次编号

lever release number

(1) 握柄解锁号

Liapunov type number

(1) 里亚普诺夫 型数[示性数]

light list number

(1) 航海航行灯号码表

limited number

(1) 少数

limiting number

(1) 极限数

limiting rigidity number

(1) 极限刚度值

line covering number

(1) 线覆盖数

line independence number

(1) 线独立数

linear number

(1) 线性数

line-chromatic number

(1) 线色数

linking number

(1) 环绕数

link-relative index number

(1) 环比指数

location number

(1) 定位数

logarithmic viscosity number

(1) 比浓对数粘度

logical data number

(1) 逻辑数据码

lot number

(1) 批号

luminometer number

(1) 辉光值(航空煤油质量指标)

lyotropic number

(1) 感胶离子数

Mach number

(1) 航空马赫数

magic number

(1) 幻数

magnetic number

(1) 磁(量子)数

magnetic Reynolds number

(1) (等离子)磁雷诺数

main quantum number

(1) 主量子数

ming block number

(1) 变换程序段数

mass number

(1) 原物质(量)数

match number

(1) 对比值(用发动机对比试油和标准燃料的抗爆性, 并测定出力、燃料消耗和汽缸温度)

matrix number

(1) 矩阵数码

mean sheet number

(1) 平均叶数

median index number

(1) 中位数指数

merit number

(1) 钢质量数

mesh number

(1) 网号, 筛号

mesh Reynolds number

(1) 网格雷诺数

micron number

(1) 微米号数

mileage number

(1) 航海密西西比河里程数

minimum number

(1) 最小数

minimum quadrat number

(1) 最小样方数目

mixed-base number

(1) 混合基记数法, 混基数

mode number

(1) 模数

mode index number

(1) 众数指数

Mohs' scale number

(1) 莫氏硬度值

mole number

(1) 摩尔数

most probable number (MPN)

(1) (细菌检验)最大可能数

multiperfect number

(1) 多完全数

multiple numbers

(1) 重数

neutraliza-tion number

(1) 中和值

neutron number

(1) 中子数

neutron excess number

(1) 中子余数

node number

(1) 节数

nodule number

(1) 球数

noise rating number (NRN)

(1) 噪声评级数; NR值

non-dimensional number

(1) 无量纲数

normal number

(1) 正规数, 范数

normal random number

(1) 正态随机数

nuclear number

(1) 核质量数

nucleon number

(1) 核子数, 质量数

observed number

(1) 观察值, 实计值

occupation number

(1) 占有数

octad number

(1) 八进位数字

octal number

(1) 八进制数

odd mass number

(1) 奇质量数

odd-charge number

(1) 奇原子序数

(2) 奇电荷数

oil number

(1) (按美国汽车工程师协会分类的发动机)润滑油牌号

(2) 吸油量

one-figure number

(1) 单位数

optimum number

(1) 最佳数

ordinal number

(1) 序数

Pacific specification number

(1) 美国太平洋岸燃料油规格

packed decimal number

(1) 压缩[组合式]十进制数

p-adic number p

(1) 进数

partition number

(1) 分区号码

penetration number

(1) 针入度

penetrometer number

(1) 针入度测定值

pentagonal number

(1) 五角数

perfect number

(1) 完全数

performance number

(1) 特性数, 功率值

permeability number

(1) 穿透数

peroxide number

(1) 过氧化值

photosynthetic number

(1) 植光合比值

piece number

(1) 件号

pin number

(1) 插脚数

(2) 管脚数

plane orientation number

(1) 平面取向数

plasticity number

(1) 可塑值[度]

point covering number

(1) 点覆盖数

polar number

(1) 极(性)价数; 电价

Polenske number

(1) 包氏值, 不溶性挥发脂肪酸值

polygonal number

(1) 多角数

polyvalent number

(1) 多价数

pool octane number

(1) 混合(汽油)辛烷值

port number

(1) 通道数

post color number

(1) 退色值

Prandtl number (Pr)

(1) 普兰托数(无因次数群, 等于运动粘度×密度×比热/热导率)

precipitation number

(1) 沉淀值

preferred numbers

(1) 优先数系

preparative plate number

(1) 制备塔板数

price index number

(1) 价格[物价]指数

prime number

(1) 质数, 素数

priority number

(1) 优先号数

progressive number

(1) 程序数字; 累进数字

prong number

(1) 股数

proportional numbers

(1) 比例数

pseudoplastic Reynolds number

(1) 塑性雷诺数

pseudoprime number

(1) 伪素数

pseudo-random number

(1) 伪随机数

pure binary number

(1) 纯二进制数

pyrometric cone number

(1) 测温锥号码

quadrangular number

(1) 四角数

quadrat-free number

(1) 无平方因子数

quality number

(1) 特性指数

quantity index number

(1) 数量指数

quasi-random numbers

(1) 拟随机数

quaternary number

(1) 四进制数

racing number

(1) 赛跑运动员号码

radial quantum number

(1) 径量子数

radio-quantum number

(1) 放射量子数

radix number

(1) 基数

ranking number

(1) 等级顺序

rating number

(1) 分(等)级, 评级

(2) (铝材)点蚀等级

rational number

(1) 有理数

Rayeigh number (Ra)

(1) 瑞利数, 瑞利判据

read number

(1) 读(出)数

read-around number

(1) (文字电视)整个阅读数字

record number

(1) 记录号[数]

recurring number

(1) 循环小数

redundant number

(1) 多余数

Redwood number

(1) 雷德伍德(油粘度)数

reel (sequence) number

(1) 卷号, 盘号

reflected number

(1) 反射码

registration number

(1) 托运号码

regular prime number

(1) 正则素数

rejection number

(1) 拒绝数, 舍弃数

relative numbers

(1) 相对数



CRB指数:是由美国商品调查局(Commodity Research Bureau)依据世界市场上22种基本的经济敏感商品价格编制的一种期货价格指数,通常简称为CRB指数。

CRB期货指数:桥讯系统公司在CRB指数基础上适当调整了17种商品期货合约,编制了CRB期货指数(Commodity Research Bureau Futures Price Index)。

CRB期货指数反映的是17种商品的价格,是用算术平均与几何平均的方法计算,它不只是17种商品没有加权的价格平均数,同时也收入了每种商品在不同时间的价格平均数。一个组成成分的价格变动的百分率不会改变该成分在指数中的相对比重。在这1 7种商品中,每个商品在指数中的比重相同,没有哪一个月或哪一种商品对该指数的影响过分。这17种商品分成6组,具体如下:







由于CRB指数包括了核心商品的价格波动,因此,总体反映世界主要商品价格的动态信息,广泛用于观察和分析商品市场的价格波动与宏观经济波动,并能在一定程度上揭示宏观经济的未来走向。 它能比较好的反映出生产者物价指数(PPI)和消费者物价指数(CPI)的变化。研究表明, CRB指数是一种较好反映通货膨胀的指标,它与通货膨胀指数在同一个方向波动,与债券收益率在同一方向上波动。可以说,CRB指数在一定程度上反映着经济发展的趋势,与经济波动同样也具有较强的趋同性。





这类短语大多是由数词和介词搭配而成,或是数词和其他词类搭配而成,常用来表示不确定的范围和概念,有时也可表示事物所处的状态或其他情况。 例如:

by hundreds 数以百计

by thousands数以千计;大量

by(the) millions数以百万计

by halves不完全

hundreds of数百;数以百计

thousands of 数千;数以千计

hundreds of thousands of 几十万;无数的

thousands upon thousands 万千上万

millions upon millions of 千百万

tens of, decades of数十个

dozens of几打;几十个

scores of 许多,大量

billions of几十亿

hundreds of millions亿万

a thousand and one无数的

a hundred and one许多

ten to one十之八九

nine cases out of ten十之八九

nine tenths十之八九;几乎全部

tens of thousands 好几万

several millions of数百万


by one hundred percent百分之百的;全部

a long hundred一百多;一百二十

a few tenths of十分之几;有几成

by twos and threes三三两两

by ones or twos三三两两;零零落落

in two twos转眼;立即

at sixes and sevens乱七八糟

one or two少许;几个

twenty and twenty 三分之二,2/3

first of all 首先

second to none首屈一指

last but one 倒数第二

a decade of 十个,10

a score of 二十,20

a dozen of 一打,12个

Thousands of people attended the meeting.


Ten to one she has forgotten it.


Her name ranks last but one on the list.


In a few minutes the students began to come in by twos and threes.

几分钟之后,学生们 三三两两 地走了进来。



ten thousand(10个千)一万

one hundred thousand(100个千)十万

ten million(10个百万)千万

one hundred million(100个百万)亿

one billion十亿(美式英语)

ten billion(10个十亿)百亿

one hundred billion(100个十亿)千亿

one trillion万亿



(一) 表示“大约”、“不确定”的翻译策略

在英语中,一般常使用 about, some, around, round, nearly, towards, somewhere about, estimated, roximately, in/of/on the border of, close to等词修饰数字,表示“不确定”、“大约”、“上下”、“将近”、“几 乎”等。

The volume of the sun is about (or some, around, round) 1,300,000 times that of the earth.


It is nearly (or towards) 4 o’clock.


The price of this new machine is in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars.


According to the weatherman, the temperature will be up 5

or so.



英语常用 more than, odd, over, above, long, past, or more, upwards of , higher than, exceed, in excess of 等词修饰数字,表示“超过”、“以上”、“有余”、“高于”、“多于”等。

The weight of this child is said to be over one hundred pounds.


It took me more than two hours to finish the homework.


This car has run a long thousand miles.



英语常用 less, less than, below, no more than, under, short of , off, to, within, as few as 等词修饰数字,表示“少于”、“不到”、“以下”等。

It took one month less than three years for them to develop the new material.


The price of that tricycle is less than one hundred and eighty-five francs.


He bought the coffeepot at 6 dollars off the list price.



倍数在英语中使用得相当普遍,但在表达方式上,英汉两种语言却大相径庭。例如 :to increase 5 times,汉语可译成“增加到5倍”,也可译成“增加了4倍”;to decrease 5 times在汉语中通常不译为“减少5倍”,而译为“减少到1/5”或“减少了4/5”。 因此“了”和“到”这类问题很容易使人混淆迷惑。翻译时务必谨慎严密,力争做到准确无误。




The grain output of this year is about three times as great as that of last year.


Asia is four times as large as Europe.



Kuwait oil wells yield nearly 500 times more than U.S. wells.


Iron is almost three times heier than aluminum.


X is 15 times larger than Y.



常见的表示增加意义的动词有increase, rise, exceed, grow, raise, expand, go up等。

The number of the students enrolled in evening classes has increased more than twofold.


The total volume of state purchase in the first quarter rose by 5.2 percent, compared with the same period of last year.


The production of various picture tubes has been increased four times as against 1993.

各种显像管的产量 比1993年增加了3倍。

4.表示增加意义的词+by a factor of+数词


Today the speed of our car exceeds the ordinary speed by a factor of three.


The population of this county has increased by a factor of five



英语中表示倍数意义的动词主要有 double(变成两倍),treble(变成三倍),quadruple(变成四倍)等。这些词也能当形容词使用。作不及物动词时,后面没有宾语或表语。

The new airport will double the capacity of the existing one.


The population has nearly trebled in forty years.


The company quadrupled output to around 20 million tons.

该公司把产量增至2,000万吨 左右,是原来的4倍。



1. 用表示“减少”的动词(decrease, reduce, fall, lower等)连接“by n 或n%”,表示净减量;用系动词连接“n less(than)”表示净减量,所减数字均可照译。

180 decreased by 90 is 90.


The cost decreased by 40%.

成本 下降了40%。

This new process used 35% less fuel.

这种工艺 少用了35%的燃料。

2.用表示“减少”的动词(decrease, reduce, fall, lower等)连接“by n times”,“n times”,“n times as + 形容词或副词+as”,“by a factor of n”等,均可译 作“减少了n分之(n-1)”或“减少到n分之1”。


The enterprise management expenditure this year has decreased by three times as against that of 2002.


The principal advantage is a four fold reduction in volume.


The error probability of the equipment was reduced by 2.5 times through technical innovation.



在1999的春天,原油和石油产品价格的猛增是对国民经济的一次重大冲击。 在下落关于$10每桶的前一年,原油价格到达了$30桶于在2000年1月和2月。 在19-1982后退的四年期间,原油的平均代价是超过$28每桶,并且高油价的冲击有一个破坏性碰撞,触发更坏的经济后退和大萧条。 分析建议:

19-1982经济范围内的石油开支为当前的三到四倍。 对石油较少运用的美国通过效率的改善来交换对其他燃料,和降低通货膨胀被调整的石油价格, 并且以此影响经济。

经济扩张的动力充足地增大以便忽略延续至今的油价增高所带来的的所有冲击。 然而,如果原油价格依然是在或在$30之上每桶,也许会减慢一些潜在的经济扩张。 以应对经济的关心过度加热,所有减速也许实际上是对减少通货膨胀的压力有用。

在美国,当涨价的冲击加大。 并且影响经济,那么对低收入家庭的影响是重大的,特别是对于那些使用燃料油或丙烷的家庭。
